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Body Sculpting with Coolsculpting and Cooltech

Important Facts on Coolsculpting – Cooltech or Cryolipolysis-
Coolsculpting works by freezing fat cells
These fat cells are taken away by your body’s immune system
One treatment can reduce one size in just 35 minutes.
Downtime following Coolsculpting is minimal, unlike liposuction
Results can be seen as early as 5 weeks, however it often takes 10 to 12 weeks before Coolsculpting results are at it’s best

Can Coolsculpting treat love handles?
Yes, Coolsculpting can markedly reduce the spare tire around your abdominal areas. With different applicator sizes, all treatments are tailored for your shape and size. Results are seen after just one session of Coolsculpting. One session of cryolipolysis can reduce up to 25% of fat- permanently.

When will I notice the results from Coolsculpting- Cooltech?
Most patients will start to notice a measurable difference in the reduction of their love handles within 8 to 10 weeks.

How long does love handle liposculpting take with the Coolsculpting- Cooltech procedure?

Each CoolSculpting treatment will take 35- 60 minutes per area. Yes, one hour of treatment can give you a one size reduction around your waistline. Coolsculpting has been proven over the past 6 years to deliver results!

How many Coolsculpting applications will I require?
This depends on your goals and expectations. One session will give you noticeable results, however with Coolsculpting, we have the ability to sculpt almost any body part and provide focused fat reduction to areas such as the thighs, arms, abdomen, and buttocks. The amount of fat reduction is entirely up to you.

Is Coolsculpting an alternative to liposuction?
Yes. In selected patients Coolsculpting can be an alternative to liposuction. Excellent candidates have noticeable bulges in certain areas such as the abdominal area, sides of abdomen (spare tire) and the inner thigh. Applicators such as the Cool Mini can reduce unwanted fat from under your chin and even the pecs. Your Specialist CoolScultor at Fiori will discuss your suitability for the CoolSculpting procedure and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Cooolsculpting vs liposuction.

What areas can men use Coolsculpting for?
The most commonly treated areas are the abdomen or flanks-‘love handles’. The inner thighs, outer thighs, arms, knees, back and buttocks can also be treated with Coolsculpting. And, yes, even the pecs can be sculpted with this device.

Will I need to follow an exercise program or diet with Coolsculpting?
No special dietary suppliments or fad diets are required with this procedure, however if you follow a sensible well balanced diet, this can help you achieve great results. Patients who have the CoolSculpting procedure are usually super motivated to take great care of their bodies, and health, and this has a flow on effect life long!

Dr Davin Lim
Laser and aesthetic dermatologist


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