Male Body Sculpting Using Lipo: BEFORE and AFTER

Dr. David Stoker, board-certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. One of the questions I’m often asked is what do I look like under my scrubs? Well, I found a great example. Today, we’ve got a beautiful result here. This man, who just yesterday less than 24 hours ago, we performed 360-degree body Sculpting with power-assisted liposuction. We also performed abdominal etching here to give him a very fit, very muscular look. He is obviously taking great care of himself, but he could only take it so far. We took it to the next level, and it’s really shocking and super fun. From my perspective, to see somebody look so good so fast after this – almost immediate results. He’s got a big smile on his face. I’m sure he’s a little bit sore here, but I haven’t heard him complain about anything. He’s, I’m sure, even more elated than me, and I’m just very, very happy for him.

Like every man, you have your own individual anatomy and concerns about your physique. I make a point of understanding your goals as thoroughly as possible. During your consultation for liposuction, I will work with you to develop a treatment plan that meets your specific needs.

Dr. Stoker Explains Liposuction for Men
Liposuction is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures. I have refined my techniques to such a degree that I often perform the liposuction with local anesthetic alone. Through tiny incisions, I remove fat using small suction tubes called cannulas. What makes my liposuction procedure special is that fat is selectively removed. This keeps blood vessels, nerves and skin intact so the skin can contract around your leaner shape.

The surgeon performing your liposuction is the most important factor determining your results. The technique a surgeon uses is also significant and can play a large role in the outcome of your surgery. The techniques I find most helpful include: power-assisted liposuction (PAL), tumescent liposuction, and laser liposuction. Each has its benefits, and the one I use depends on your skin tone, amount of fat and complementary procedures being performed. Generally, though, I recommend PAL because it gives me greater precision in sculpting the most desirable shape. It has the quickest recovery time, as well.

During your initial consultation, we’ll work together to customize the approach that works best for you.

Men of all ages can benefit from liposuction. As we get older, however, career and family obligations can take on a life of their own. It becomes increasingly difficult to find time to care for ourselves. Liposuction in Los Angeles often serves as the catalyst men need to commit to a healthy diet and exercise regimen. It’s important to note that liposuction is an excellent procedure for body contouring but not for weight loss. That is the role of diet and exercise.

Top credentials, beautiful results, gorgeous office, and exceptional staff. Let us show you what makes our plastic surgery practice special. To schedule a consultation or appointment, email or call (310) 300-1779



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Stoker Plastic Surgery: David Stoker, MD
4640 Admiralty Way #1000
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Phone: (310) 300-1779


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