Body image: change the way you see yourself | Ira Querelle | TEDxMaastrichtSalon

Ira Querelle, a sixteen year old high-school student, dodges the

audience with questions about their self-esteem and body-image. In a passionate

talk she holds up a mirror to the audience, in order to make them more conscious

about body image and its effects.

Ira Querelle is a 16 year old high-school student at Trevianum Scholengroep in the Netherlands. After her graduation she would like to study English at a University. Going abroad and developing her English skills and character are her main interests. Ira enjoys listening to music, working out and reading English literature.
Ira found out about body image issues throughout the internet and social media.
Becoming aware that numerous people are having problems with their self-
esteem and body image was quite a revelation to the 16 year old. When her English teacher gave her the opportunity to write and perform a TED-talk at a local TED-contest, she came up with an inspiring speech.
By explaining what body image exactly is and how it affects people she asks her audience to take a closer look at their own body image.
Ira’s purpose is to create more body positivity and help people to feel better about themselves.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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